Welcome to

House of hEALTH


HOUSE OF HEALTH Apotekergata

If you're looking for a personal training experience that is both exclusive and private, look no further than our personal training studio. Our facility is dedicated only to personal training clients, meaning there are no crowded gym floors or long wait times for equipment. This exclusivity means that you can focus completely on your personal fitness journey without any distractions or interruptions. Additionally, our studio fosters a strong sense of community among members.

You'll be surrounded by supportive trainers and like-minded individuals who are all focused on improving their health and fitness. With a personalized approach to training and a tight-knit community, our exclusive personal training studio is the perfect place for you to reach your fitness goals.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:00

Strength Bootcamp

Looking to improve your strength and endurance while building muscle? Look no further than our Strength bootcamp class!

This dynamic and challenging class is designed to help you increase your stamina and strength in a supportive and motivating environment. Our highly experienced and educated coach will work with you to adapt each exercise to your individual level, so you can start from wherever you are and make progress towards your goals.

And when you join our community of like-minded people, you'll find the support and encouragement you need to stay motivated and achieve your goals.

So why wait? Sign up for our Strength bootcamp class today and start building the body and strength you've always wanted!


All new members are given the opportunity to start their fitness journey with one of our knowledgeable personal trainers. During your initial consultation, you'll discuss your fitness goals and desires with your trainer, who will also assess your overall health, body composition, and form.

Your trainer will use this information to create a customized training program that best suits your needs and abilities. The consultation includes a movement pattern analysis, exercise technique assessment, body composition analysis, which measures your muscle, fat, and water levels. You'll also have the chance to experience a comprehensive training session that incorporates strength, cardio and mobility training.

With a solid foundation in place, your trainer can continue to closely monitor your progress and make adjustments to your program as needed, ensuring you reach your goals in a more efficient manner.

Our trainers can also accommodate small groups of up to 8 people for group training sessions.

Our Services

Private Training 1 - 1

Our team will work with you to evaluate your fitness level, set achievable goals, and design a custom workout plan that fits your specific needs and abilities. With individualized coaching, access to state-of-the-art equipment, and the support you need to succeed, you'll be on your way to reaching your full potential. Invest in yourself and get started with our personal training program today!

Private Training Duo

Training with a partner comes with many benefits. Not only does it add accountability and motivation, but it can also lead to faster results and a more enjoyable workout experience.

Working out with someone else can help you push harder, try new exercises, and stay committed to your fitness goals. Additionally, training with a partner can provide an opportunity for friendly competition, increase social interaction, and foster a sense of community.

Corporate Training

Invest in your company's success with corporate exercise training. Promote wellness, reduce stress, and build community among your employees. Our expert trainers will customize a workout program that not only enhances physical health but also fosters a sense of unity and teamwork. By creating a sustainable, active workplace, you'll not only improve the health of your employees but also increase their sense of fulfilment and job satisfaction.


Unleash your full potential with our high-intensity bootcamp training program. Our expert trainers will challenge you with a dynamic blend of strength, cardio, and functional movements, designed to deliver results in the shortest amount of time. Get ready to push your limits and see improvements in your physical fitness, energy levels, and overall health. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete, our bootcamp training program is suitable for all fitness levels and adapts to meet your individual needs and goals.

meet the team

  • Børge leknes


    Borge er en svært kvalifisert fysioterapeut med en bachelorgrad og fortsetter sin spesialisering i klinisk ortopedisk medisin (OMI Cyriax). Borge spesialiserer seg på muskuloskeletale skader, rehabilitering og diagnostikk. Borge tilbyr en omfattende tilnærming til fysioterapi, inkludert manuell terapi, tørr nåling, trykkbølgeterapi, rehabilitering og ergonomiske vurderinger.

    Han gir også praktiske tips for å redusere smerte og forbedre ytelsen. Med sin ekspertise og dedikasjon til sine pasienter, er Borge et pålitelig valg for alle som søker å forbedre sin fysiske velvære.



    Joanna er en kvalifisert personlig trener fra National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). Hun har sertifiseringer i Rehabilitering og skadeforebygging, Korrektiv trening og presisjonsernæring.

    Med 9 års erfaring som personlig trener og gruppeøvelsesleder, har Joanna bevist sin evne til å designe og levere tilpassede treningsprogrammer som passer klientens spesifikke behov.

    Hun er opptatt av å hjelpe individer å forbedre livskvaliteten og har kunnskap om skadeforebyggende og rehabiliterende teknikker. Joannas idrettsbakgrunn, sterk kommunikasjonsevne og personlig oppmerksomhet til hver klient gjør henne til en svært effektiv trener.



    Greg er en prisvinnende personlig trener, utdannet fysioterapeut og foreleser. De siste 12 årene har Greg arbeidet innen flere områder innen helse- og fitnessindustrien, som sykehus, rehabiliteringssentre, treningssentre og idrettlag. Greg er en allsidig trener med flere spesialiseringer og interesser, hvor de mest dominerende er:

    • Muskuloskeletale rehabilitering & Skadeforebygging

    • Athletisk utvikling og ytelsesoptimering

    • Vaner og livsstilsendringer.