Yoga Every Day: New Year’s Resolution Hack

Transform your resolutions into something you can stick with

We’re halfway through January already… time for a New Year’s Resolution check-in!

Are you still going strong, or has the momentum fizzled out? If your 2023 resolutions are already a memory, you’re not alone. In fact, most people abandon their resolutions before February (Source: Insideout Mastery). So why are resolutions so hard to keep?

Don’t worry, it’s not you. The problem lies in the resolutions themselves. 

If adding more yoga to your life is part of your vision this year, let’s talk about how to set you up for success! With a bit of planning and determination, a regular yoga practice is well within your reach…

Redefine your resolutions

The desire to make healthy changes in our daily lives and our habits is a good thing. But resolutions often come in the form of big changes, which require a level of commitment that’s difficult sustain, even with the best of intentions.

This year, rather than making lofty resolutions, let’s make goals. Realistic goals that we can actually be consistent with and build upon throughout the year. That means we need to start small and work our way up to our larger goals.

Rather than sprinting toward big change and ending up with burnout, let’s take it one step at a time. Set small, incremental goals and let the success of each achievement propel you forward. With every small accomplishment, you get closer to your bigger goal, making it easier to stay committed and allowing you to enjoy the journey as you go!


This popular hashtag also happens to be a popular New Year’s Resolution. And while practicing yoga every day is a great way to improve your physical and mental health, it takes a lot of dedication.

Dedication you have. I am absolutely confident that you can build up to a daily yoga practice this year if that’s your goal, but keep in mind that it might not be a realistic goal for today. Remember, it’s about building up to bigger goals. We’re not starting at the finish line.

Whether you’re just starting your yoga journey, or building on an existing yoga routine, if a daily yoga practice is your 2023 goal, here’s how you can get there:

Build up to a daily yoga practice:

For your studio practice:

  • Find some local yoga classes. Pick one class per week that corresponds with your schedule and commit to that. You can always add more classes to your schedule later.

  • Bring a friend to class with you. Making plans with someone else tends to help us follow through.

For your home practice:

  • Start with one or two days per week.

  • Pick a time of day that can work with your schedule most days of the week, and make that your dedicated yoga time. You may need to wake up a bit earlier in the morning or set aside a little time before bed.

  • Set a reminder or an alarm to help you remember and keep you on track.

  • Once this routine feels consistent and manageable, add another day. 

  • Work your way up until you’re practicing every day.

  • Take the time to find a few online videos that you really like, bookmark them, and make those your “go-to” classes. That way you don’t have to waste time and lose motivation while searching through endless lists of online yoga videos.

Yoga every day, right away:

If you already have a regular yoga practice and you’re ready to commit to every day (or if you’re just really determined to dive right in), then set yourself up for success with these realistic, attainable goals…

For example, rather than aiming for 30 minutes of yoga every day, let’s start with a commitment to 5 minutes or more every day. This could look like:

  • A couple rounds of sun salutations when you wake up in the morning.

  • A few gentle postures during your lunch break (like forward fold, high lunge, a seated spinal twist or even tree pose).

  • Some relaxing floor poses before going to bed (try wind removing pose, reclined pigeon, happy baby, or some belly breathing in savasana).

Remember that 5 minutes of yoga every day is better than 60 minutes of yoga every other week. Consistency is more important than the length of the session.

And what ultimately matters is that you move your body in some way! If you don’t have time to roll out your yoga mat, pick a couple of your favourite standing poses or stretches and go through them when you have a few spare minutes (try flowing through warrior II, side angle and peaceful warrior 3-5 times).

Build a strong yoga practice with the House of Health yoga pros

Did you know that you can do yoga right at your desk? Book a Desk Yoga session for you and your colleagues, and we’ll come to your office to guide you through 30 minutes of yoga and meditation that you can do in your work clothes!

Are you new to yoga? Start with a Beginner’s Workshop! We’ll help you master all the basic postures and movements and build a strong, safe foundation so that you can roll out your yoga mat with confidence.

For more information on private yoga sessions and corporate yoga services, or to book your next group yoga class, contact me at